Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Reasons Greetings?

FFRF Christmas Greetings!
Driving on the freeway I noticed a sign kind of like this one, although not as fancy. It was a little puzzling, especially since it is sponsored by the Freedom from Religion Foundation. My daughter, who also noticed, asked; "what is that about?"

Come to find out that the FFRF is an atheist group trying to promote  their view of the world. That's fine by me, but let's call a spade a spade. The FFRF is, in my opinion, is just another religious group. What?

My definition of religion is the group of beliefs or values by which I live my life.

No one can scientifically prove everything about the universe, especially when it comes to it's origin (that's why it is call the Big Bang "Theory") , or the other vital questions of life namely; Where did we come from? Why are we here? or Is there life after death?

Why are we asking these questions in the first place?

These and many other questions are left for us to ponder, study, and think about. Science has provided clues and some evidence, but no conclusive evidence yet. And, although our reasoning abilities are enormous, somewhere along the line we must decide if there is indeed a higher power or not.

We must form our own beliefs.

Personally, I have made the decision to believe that man is not the greatest being in the universe. I believe in God.

In the end we each have a different view of the world, a different religion.

Here's the U.S. News view.

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